InfluxDB Sink

The InfluxDB Sink connector is a Kafka connector that allows data to be written from Kafka topics to InfluxDB.


In InfluxDB, tags are a type of metadata used to organize and filter data. Tags are optional but they provide additional context when querying data.

From the lsst.example.skyFluxMetric metric payload:

    "timestamp": 1681248783000000,
    "band": "y",
    "instrument": "LSSTCam-imSim",
    "meanSky": -213.75839364883444,
    "stdevSky": 2328.906118708811,

band and instrument are good candidates for tags.

When you query data from InfluxDB, you can use tags to filter the data and aggregate it in different ways.

For example, you might query the lsst.example.skyFluxMetric metric and group the results by the band tag to see meanSky and stdevSky in each band. Or you might filter the data to only show values for a specific band or instrument.


In InfluxDB tags values are always strings. Use an empty string when a tag value is missing. Avoid tagging high cardinality fields such as IDs.


To configure an InfluxDB Sink connector in Sasquatch, add the connector configuration to the corresponding environment in Phalanx.

For example, in values-usdfdev.yaml the connector configuration to write topics in the lsst.example namespace to InfluxDB looks like:

        enabled: true
        timestamp: "timestamp"
        connectInfluxDb: "lsst.example"
        topicsRegex: "lsst.example.*"
        tags: band,instrument

timestamp specify the field in the payload to be used as the InfluxDB time. connectInfluxDb is the name of the InfluxDB database to write to. topicsRegex specify the regex to select topics from Kafka. tag specify the fields in the payload to be used as InfluxDB tags.

See the kafka-connect-manager subchart for additional configuration options.